ClickCease BookCLUB - Tanya Hill - ActionCOACH


“How should I be successful?” Asked a young Brad Sugars to Jim Rohn. He answered, “simply read one book a month son and you will be rich in more than wealth.” 

25 years later Brad Sugars, founder of ActionCOACH, is the No.1 Business Coach in the world.

This monthly event is a great opportunity to learn, network with other businesses and to implement real changes into both your life and business. You will learn the secrets of success and receive coaching from the world’s number 1 business coaching company.

Our goal is to help business owners gain the skills, confidence and beliefs that they need to get their GOOD business’ and make them GREAT! This will transform your life for the better but also impact your community and the people you employ.

Your commitment
Come along and try your first meeting with us for FREE! If you then think it’s for you and wish to attend monthly, it will then be a six-month commitment from you.
Who is this for?
• Small business owners seeking success
• Start Ups wanting to start as they mean to go on!
• Those who recognise the need to further their business education
• Business owners wanting to network & meet like-minded peers
• Those who understand the benefits of coaching seeking a low-level entry point

We hear everyday business owners saying they intend to read ‘that book’ or implement ‘that learning’ but never get around to it… all of that will be a thing of the past for you.

… this club will keep you focused, and hold you accountable and get you into Action!

Not only will you receive the necessary accountability from your local Business Growth Specialist… You will also receive:

  • The book of the month to take away and read – designed to help you get yourself and your business growing further
  • A journal and pen to make notes and collect the ideas from the group discussions
  • Group coaching session each month run by your Action Coach
  • Book Review and Accountability on how to implement the learnings into your business and your life
  • ...and last but certainly not least, a safe and fun environment to make sure you get the most from your learning and development

Enquire About This Programme

Get in touch to book a place or find out more.


Other Programmes That Can Help You

Clarity and Motivation

What is it you actually want in your personal life? More time, money or fun? You may be wondering what that’s got to do with your business plan? Well, your business exists to provide money to do the things you want and also give you the time to do them.

Your Alignment

Re-focus. Re-engage. Re-energise.

Engage & Grow will re-focus, re-engage and re-energise the most important asset to your business – your people. This programme is specially designed to create dramatic organisational change, training your whole team to move the business forward.

Engage & Grow

Are you ready to make a change?

Our signature programme and the most intense: results-driven coaching that any business owner can put to use. This programme is suitable for high quality businesses already experiencing steady growth, but with the goal to grow more rapidly. You’re probably working too many hours and your business would not survive without your constant attention.

One-On-One Coaching

How To Write A 90 Day Business Plan

Only 2% of business owners have a written plan… and even fewer stick to it… By the end of your first GrowthCLUB, you will have a clear picture of where your business will be in 90 days time and a step-by-step plan to get you there.


Turn your business into a profit-making machine!

An intensive two-day group coaching workshop that teaches business owners real strategies that generate real wealth. A real toolbox of tips to make you stand out from the crowd.


Because every great business needs a great business plan

A good plan is essential for an successful business. This interactive two-day programme provides you with all the tools necessary to write a 1- or 5-year business plan which is goal-driven, simple, and easy-to-follow.


Business Networking & Training

Looking to meet like-minded business owners and share strategies for boosting profits? At ProfitCLUB you will be coached to implement strategies for sales, marketing, communication, team-building and much more.


Do you have business strategies in place?

A comprehensive programme that builds a strong foundation around all the main fundamentals of business – sales, marketing, and much more. Complete with over 320 business-building strategies for use in your business.
